{{player.firstname}} {{player.lastname}}
Date of birth: | {{player.birth_date}} |
Place of birth: | {{player.birth_place}} ({{player.birth_country}}) |
Nationality: | {{player.nationality}} |
Height: | {{player.height}} |
Weight: | {{player.weight}} |
History of appearances
Team | Season | Position | Appearances (Subst) | Goals (Assists) |
{{t.data[0].minyear}} - {{t.data.slice(-1)[0].maxyear}} | {{t.data.slice(-1)[0].position}} | {{t.data.reduce((a,c)=>a+c.games_appearances,0)}} ({{t.data.reduce((a,c)=>a+c.games_lineups - c.substitutes_in||0,0)}}) | {{t.data.reduce((a,c)=>a+c.goals_total,0)}} ({{t.data.reduce((a,c)=>a+c.goals_assists,0)}}) |
Date | From | To | Price |
{{fd(t.transfer_date)}} | {{t.name_out}} ({{t.country_out}}) | {{t.name_in}} ({{t.country_in}}) | {{t.type}} |
Season {{line.season}} - {{line.team_name}} in {{line.league}} ![]()
During this season {{line.firstname}} received {{line.cards_yellow}} yellow cards out of which {{line.cards_yellowred}} became red. He also received {{line.cards_red}} red cards.
{{line.name}} appeared in {{line.games_appearances}} games and played {{line.games_minutes_played}} minutes in {{line.league}} in {{line.season}}. {{line.games_lineups}} times was in the first team. {{line.firstname}} substituted someone {{line.substitutes_in||0}} times and was substituted by someone else {{line.substitutes_out||0}} times.
He was {{line.captain}} times a captain of the {{line.team_name}}